Pastor Patience Rose

Pastor PIf you know Pastor "P", then you have probably heard her say a thousand times, "You cannot impart what you do not possess." Equally as many times she has taunted us with, "You will never possess what you will not profess!" Deeming her life - a 'MADE FOR TV MOVIE', Pastor "P" has lived through it all (or at least most of it - she's not done living yet). Through tragedy, she has turned triumphant; though victimized, a victor, she has learned how to allow God the room in her life to make adverse situations His sandbox!

She has often shared with people from a very REAL place in her life that has encompassed the likes of abuse, misuse, mismanagement, botched attempts, failed endeavors, unbelievably strange occurrences, and outright attacks at the very fiber of her existence and the core of her being. Having become skilled from the exercise afforded her in the wake of these experiences, she has gained knowledge, understanding, and the wisdom to use it to develop into the Kingdom producer God intended her to be.

While the gifting of God flows through her, the anointing causes her natural abilities as flautist, pianist, dancer/choreographer, psalmist, composer, producer, author, and talk show host to blossom into a myriad of tremendous options from which God can choose to deliver His message to those who need it.

As a licensed minister and an ordained Pastor, Pastor P has served in the capacity of undershepherd for more than 11 years. She is now assigned the tasks of strategic development of the Kingdom Educational Components - Kingdom Perspective Institute, The REAL Academy, The PROS Network, ATASK and The Prayer 24-7/365 Outreach.

She continues to serve faithfully with her husband at Impact Ministries Worldwide, Inc. and as Executive Pastor of the Impact Worship Centers.