Outreach Ministries

The HELP Network:
HELP endeavors to be the tie which binds individuals in Tarrant County to resources that enable them to meet and identify their needs while maximizing what they have to better equip them to get what they want. HELP is a bridge between healing empowerment and life principles that are both effective and practical.

ICANHAVEHOPE.org is an online evangelism tool designed to minister hope and opportunity to the masses in a non threatening virtual environment.

PRAYER 24/7-365:

The Prayer 24/7 365 initiative exists to facilitate total accountability and full responsibility for the management and control of our lives, our environment, and our destiny through prayer.  Through our Prayer 24/7 365 movement we have established and maintained daily prayer tele-conferences Monday through Friday that are currently reaching the masses.  Our daily prayer focuses are: Monday - The Clergy, Tuesday - Healing & Wholeness, Wednesday - Kingdom Competence & Kingdom Confidence (Lines are open for Bible Study), Thursday - Kingdom Businesses, Friday - Family.

Our premise in this movement is that because we exist in the reality and reliability of God’s Word, we trust God’s word. We believe God’s Word. We pray God’s Word.   Isaiah 55:11, God says, "So shall My word be that goes forth out of My mouth; it shall not return to Me void--without producing any effect, useless-but it shall accomplish that which I please and purpose, and it shall prosper in the thing for which I sent it."  God takes full responsibility for making sure His Word comes to pass!  We know His Word to be a two-edged sword that must be mouthed twice. It is our responsibility to put His Word in our mouths and speak it out knowing that He watches over it to perform it on our behalf. We follow the example of Jesus who even though He was the Word, He still spoke the Word. 

F.I.T. Families in Tact - Family Support:
F.I.T. - Families in Tact is committed to extinguishing decadence of the family unit by providing family management strategies, conflict resolution techniques, emergency response plans, violence prevention methods, and family preservation services. F.I.T. is the family support service unit of Impact Ministries Worldwide. Its commitment to extinguishing decadence of the family unit is demonstrated by providing family management strategies, conflict resolution, and violence prevention through family preservation services. Utilizing the adopt-a-family model, Impact Ministries Worldwide matches F.I.T. families with families in crisis who have been trained in a hierarchy of strategies and enhance family preservation, education and support.

Living Life Well:
The Living Life Well Initiative and Network fosters paradigm replacements towards the goal of providing smart lifestyles and legacy building through promoting Holistic Health, Wellness, Fitness and Wealth Preservation, Preserving the Earths Resources by advocating for Renewable Energy, Green Technologies, and Property Restoration in blighted communities.

PROS - Parenting Support Group:
Parents Responding to Opportunities for Success (PROS) fosters proactive parenting in order to enhance family preservation, education and support. P.R.O.S. provides parenting skills education and promotes activities that increase parental involvement and overall parent empowerment. P.R.O.S. also provides parenting information, support and training regarding school topics and issues with linkage to other referral agencies for assistance when needed.

Designed to help parents become “PROs” Impact Ministries will assist parents in discovering, identifying, and understanding their existing parental style and foster the acquisition of new strategies and skills that will help them meet the impending challenges of raising a family in urban America. This is done by providing education and opportunities for parents to learn proactive parenting, acquire parental poise, build a seamless partnership between parents and school staff, nurture mutual respect between parents and children, foster responsible, self reliant attitudes among children and increase effective communication overall.

The Clergy Connection: 
The Clergy Connection is the Consummate Cyberchurch Community for members of the Clergy. The Clergy Connection provides members of the clergy and their invited guests a place to connect, network, share ideas, information and resources. Meet other clergy, interact, facilitate friendships and engage in fellowship. Launch a new product, advertise services and campaigns, request assistance, create synergy, promote events and more.

V.I.B.E. -The Valued Interaction in Business Exchange: 
V.I.B.E was established as an initiative of Kingdom building for Kingdom Business owners and leaders. Through V.I.B.E. activities we enhance our business acumen, optimize our enterprise activities, strategize and maximize our business development for Kingdom benefit. We do this by networking, collaborating, and pooling our resources to ensure that the entire V.I.B.E community receive the optimal benefits. Through our website, publications, online events, summits, workshops think tanks, and expos, V.I.B.E. promotes Valued Interaction in Business at the highest level.