2013 - The Year of Transfer

Making and impact and leaving an impression has gained a new level of momentum. The Impact Ministries mandate this year is to provide more tools, training, techniques, and treasure to people in the Kingdom to facilitate the ability for them to operate fully in their calling.

Learn how to manage your life through prayer.

We exist to facilitate total accountability and full responsibility for the management of our lives and our destiny through prayer.

Hope is not a strategy.

Without a plan hope is just another idea. Find out how you can have hope that will never fade away.

Have you experienced the effects of a temporary lack of finances?

Do you need food or do you have circumstances that have caused you to have some other severe need? We can help!

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The Year of TRANSFER!!!!

The year 2012 was an awesome year in that many of us came to know God as an AWESOME and TERRIBLE God who is a creator and a destroyer. It became widely known among the prophets as THE YEAR OF TRANSITION in the Kingdom of God.

It was a time of great turbulence and purging in the church. While many saw it as an unjust attack from the kingdom of darkness, as the year progressed, we came to understand the events that occurred as a great purification of His Bride.  God has been preparing us that we would be ready to receive the great spiritual and natural transfer to occur in 2013. ,

As a result of the immenent of transfer into and within the Kingdom, Impact Ministries has received a mandate from God to position itself to provide more tools, techniques, training, and treasure to people in the Kingdom to enable them to operate fully in their callings and giftings.

Join us for Sunday Resource. Topic: A Call Back to Holiness

Join US today for Sunday Resource at 5:30 pm right here on the web.

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1 Peter 1:15, 16 [15] But as he which hath called you is holy, so be ye holy in all manner of conversation; [16] Because it is written, Be ye holy; for I am holy.

Definition: Holy 1. specially recognized as or declared sacred by religious use or authority; consecrated: holy ground; 2. dedicated or devoted to the service of God, the church, or religion: a holy man; 3. saintly; godly; pious; devout: a holy life.

Definition: Sin transgression (violation of a law or command) of divine law; any act regarded as such a transgression, especially a willful or deliberate violation of some religious or moral principle; any reprehensible (deserving of reproof, rebuke, or censure; blameworthy.) or regrettable action, behavior, lapse, etc.; great fault or offense.

God is calling us back to the place He originally designed for us: to walk and live a life of holiness.

Many today shun the word "holy" or "holiness" because of the general mindset of many that man wants to be able to enjoy the pleasures of sin rather than abide by the standards of God. (Read John 3:19)

The appearance of holiness at first glance, especially by that of the unbeliever, is that it involves too many rules and regulations, that it's impossible to live holy. This is so much of an untruth by the example of Job (Read Job 1:1)

God commands us to be holy not just because He is holy but because He put it in us to have the ability, by (His Godly) nature, to be holy. He will never command us to do something that He did not give us the ability to do.

Living holy means we must be willing to separate ourselves from the world (1 John 2:15), and we must be willing to dedicate our lives to Christ and the purpose of God the Father (Matt. 10:39; John 12:25).

God created you as a free-will agent, meaning that you have a will to choose how you desire to live your life. His desire is for you to live it according to the purpose that He's already predestined for your life, and the premise of this lifestyle is holiness.