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Scripture(s): Philippians 4:6 NIV Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.

Definition: worry Be worried, concerned, anxious, troubled, or uneasy;fear, fret, fuss, niggle, obsess, stew; Be concerned with; Disturb the peace of mind of; afflict with mental agitation or distress; disorder, disquiet, distract, perturb, trouble, unhinge; Be on the mind of; Something or someone that causes anxiety; a source of unhappiness; concern, headache, vexation; bugaboo, burden, business, encumbrance, incumbrance, load, onus; A strong feeling of anxiety

Definition: anxiety (psychiatry) a relatively permanent state of worry and nervousness occurring in a variety of mental disorders, usually accompanied by compulsive behavior or attacks of panic; mental condition, mental state, psychological condition, psychological state; A vague unpleasant emotion that is experienced in anticipation of some (usually ill-defined) misfortune; care, concern, discomfiture, discomposure, disconcertion, disconcertment, disquiet, disquietude, edginess, fear, inquietude, insecurity, jitteriness, jumpiness, misgiving, nervousness, qualm, restiveness, scruple, sinking, sinking feeling, trouble, uneasiness, worry

When you worry, you displace God in your life and the place that was designed for your life is left vacant and you allow the enemy to cause you to exalt yourself against the knowledge of God.

When you worry, you are saying that you have all power, all knowledge of how to remedy your circumstances and that you know better than God how to fix your situation. When you do this, it automatically opens the door for fear, which brings along with it torment because fear is the feeling of being out of control of something that you cannot control, or the loss of ability to control something that is beyond or outside of your control.

Worrying is a thought process that takes place in the brain and mind. When we worry, we are allowing negative thoughts to rule and dominate our mind, which is supposed to be the breeding ground for the Lord Jesus.

Philippians 2:5 KJV Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus:

The Word of God plainly tells us what we are supposed to be thinking about

Philippians 4:8 KJV Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.

Worry is sin because God tells us not to be anxious for anything. When we worry, we go beyond the borders of concern which means something that interests you because it is important or affects you, and the Word of God clearly tells us that He would handle all of our concerns:

Psalm 138:8a KJV The Lord will perfect that which concerneth me:

We must begin to reshape our thinking from that of the world's way of thinking. In other words, not worrying about anything because when we worry it does not have any bearing on the circumstances, but instead has a huge impact on us and our position in the Kingdom.