Executive Team

Bishop Irvin G. Perry Sr.

Bishop Irvin G. Perry Sr. is the Apostolic Covering and Ministerial Accountability for the Senior and Executive Pastors of Impact Ministries Worldwide. As their Covering Bishop Perry monitors the spiritual growth, integrity, personal character, doctrinal teachings, ministerial preparation, program planning and implementation of the Senior and Executive Pastors.

Bishop Irvin G. Perry Sr. was born in Memphis, Tennessee.  His parents were the late Deacon George F. Perry Sr. and the late former State Supervisor Margaret B. Perry.  He accepted the Lord and received the Baptism of the Holy Ghost at the age of seventeen in 1973.  He was licensed to preach in 1974 under Bishop S. M. Crouch and ordained by Bishop J. A. Blake, Sr. in 1976.  For several years, Bishop Perry traveled and evangelized with Bishop E. E. Cleveland, Sr.

After being widowed  Bishop Perry  married  Patricia Leviege Daniels in 2002.  They are blessed with five children.  

Bishop Perry attended the C. H. Mason Systems of Bible College and graduated in 1979.  He also attended Orange Coast College and LaVerne University. In the Church of God in Christ Brotherhood, Bishop Perry has held the offices of District Y.P.W.W President, Founding Pastor of New Hope COGIC in 1984, Founding Pastor of Solid Rock COGIC in 1989 and pastor of Adelanto COGIC in 1997.  In 1992 he was appointed by Bishop L.H. Ford as National Insurance Consultant for the National Headquarters of the Church of God in Christ.  In 2001 he was elevated to the office of Bishop and Prelate over California Southern Third Jurisdiction.  He served faithfully in that capacity until his retirement.  He currently trains, mentors, and covers ministers and pastors worldwide.

Caledra Wortham

Minister Caledra has been called a Daughter of Thunder for her bold delivery of the Word of God. She is a straight forward no nonsense type of women who doesn't walk through the tulips or pull punches. The word of God is delivered with love through this vessel with both the sweetness of honey and the burn of fire in accordance to the mandate the Lord has given for the situation. Make no mistake it is always given by one who loves the Lord, His Kingdom, and His people with all her heart. With bold warnings, reprimands, and instructions that are practical and Biblically based she delivers the Word of God with passion and a zeal for The Kingdom. She has often had to take direct hits for her delivery of God's Word but has been truly blessed to see both victory and deliverance in the aftermath. Minister Caledra is ever faithful in her trust of God to protect His faithful messenger. She has been gifted with the prophetic ability to see that which is hidden and to reveal it by name when asked of the Lord.

Minister Caledra operates in the arts. She is a published author, choreographer, dancer, actor, and family woman.

She is the wife of the NFL star Barron Wortham. The high school sweethearts are blessed to have three wonderfully amazing children who keep them laughing and on their toes. Together they believe that spending time with family and raising their children up in the way that they should go is important and necessary. Minister Caledra operates with a strong sense of loyalty, strength, and courage that is evident in everything that she does and easily received by both adults and children.